Light & Living
The Client
In April 2017, due to popular demand, Fundi’s first retail store was born to celebrate a truly locally designed and hand-crafted range of stylish décor. We are proud to have assisted Fundi in taking their store online.
The Challenge
The OCTO webshop integrates with Omni Accounts to facilitate stock management and sales orders, and management of customer accounts. The Omni Accounting package is informed of what is happening within the webshop (sales, returns, orders, etc.) via OCTO. There is data traffic back and forth and OCTO pulls stock information, returns and order requirements, and returns sales info.
The Approach
The webshop is an attractive tailored e-commerce solution that facilitates the online sales of Fundi. Fundi has an extensive product catalogue which we facilitated the online construction of. The Fundi webshop solution, like all our webshops, allows for seamless integration with accounting solutions (e.g. Omni Accounts), various payment solutions (e.g. SagePay) and couriers (e.g. The Courier Guy).
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